dotNet Consulting

Since several years, our company develops software running on Windows. These software can be designed to work alone or to drive embedded systems. Thanks to the Microsoft .Net Framework, these software can now be used regardless of Windows'version and of computer architecture. Based on our experience, we now propose to assist our customers to make them save time during their developments and, thus, reduce time-to-market.

Currently, accordingly to our knowledges and our experience, we propose our services for the following items:

- Wired and wireless communications: we help you to develop librairies allowing your software to communicate with others software and/or embedded systems by using various protocols such as USB, Wifi or Ethernet.

- User-friendly graphical interface: we help you to develop the graphical interface of your software. Our interfaces are mainly based on Winforms and WPF/Xaml and, in the second case, greatly benefit of data-binding.

- SQL databases: we help you to develop librairies allowing your software to manage your SQL databases.

- Cloud computing: we help you to design and develop software which are distributed across several servers over Internet. This architecture allows you to save time during your developments by using a common libraries set installed on one or more servers and used by all your software.

For any additional information, do not hesitate to contact us...

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