Embedded Systems Consulting

Since several years, our company has developped lots of embedded systems for different kinds of applications. Based on this experience, to meet a growing demand, we propose since a few months our services to assist our customers during the development of their own embedded systems. By offering this service, our main objective is to make our customers save time during their projects and thus reduce time-to-market.

Currently, accordingly to our knowledges and our experience, we propose our services for the following items:

- Design of electronic boards: we help you to choose the right components accordingly to the current state of the art, your own experience and your needs. If necessary, we can also work on an electronic board from its schematics to its prototype.

- Firmwares development: we help you to design and to write firmwares for your products. Each firmware corresponds to your specific needs as well as to the microcontroller and to the peripherals embedded on your product.

- Wired and wireless networks: we help you to efficiently implement various wired and wireless networks such as, for example, CAN Network, Wifi, Bluetooth. Among others things, according to the chosen network, we can work on its architecture and on your messages to improve the use of its bandwidth.

- High Performance Computing: we help you to implement your algortihms requiring highly intensive computation such as image processing. For this kind of optimization, our experience is mainly based on SIMD ("Single Instruction/Multiple Data") instructions which are now really common in embedded processors.

For any additional information, do not hesitate to contact us...

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