CAN Analyzer

The software "CAN Analyzer" is designed to work with the development tool "CAN BUS Analyzer" provided by Microchip®. Really easy to use, this software allows you to develop and to test your CAN networks faster. Thanks to this software, you save time during your CAN networks developments.

dotNet Consulting

Since several years, our company develops software running on Windows. These software can be designed to work alone or to drive embedded systems. Thanks to the Microsoft .Net Framework, these software can now be used regardless of Windows'version and of computer architecture. Based on our experience, we now propose to assist our customers to make them save time during their developments and, thus, reduce time-to-market.

Embedded Systems Consulting

Since several years, our company has developped lots of embedded systems for different kinds of applications. Based on this experience, to meet a growing demand, we propose since a few months our services to assist our customers during the development of their own embedded systems. By offering this service, our main objective is to make our customers save time during their projects and thus reduce time-to-market.

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